Becoming the Self Your Heart Desires
Famous quote of book: Walden (written by Henry David Thoreau)
Having time to enrich your spiritual life is the true leisure.
The more things a person can let go of, the wealthier they become.
The greatest prison in the world is the human heart. If you can't break free from your own obsessions, you are a prisoner wherever you go.
The only distant place in life is to ignore the whispers of others and become the person your heart truly desires.
Key Takeaways:
Living naturally is very peaceful; it should not be labeled as laziness.
Having time to enrich your spiritual life is the true leisure.
There is no way of thinking or acting that is worth blindly following, no matter how ancient it may be.
In this world, all one needs to do is close their eyes, turn, and they will be lost.
I used to be puzzled by one question: How can one live a decent life? How can one freely pursue their rightful career? Now, I am no longer so confused because, fortunately, I have become numb to it all.
The sun rises, and all things are illuminated.
What is called "letting fate decide" is a proven form of despair.
I have seen how the years rush by; after enduring the winter, spring arrives.
If a person lives sincerely, they are certainly living in a distant land.
Kindness is the only investment that will never lose.
The world is just an external thing.
The more things a person can let go of, the wealthier they become.